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  • Im Märzengarten 11, 73114 Schlat 07161/ 3540931 e.s@sst-hohenstaufen.de


    20 years experience

    We are your strong and reliable partner

    for rooftop photovoltaic systems, ground-mounted systems, agri-photovoltaic systems and photovoltaic car parks, etc.

    Our installation service

    Application to the energy supplier
    Measuring the roof for the photovoltaic substructure
    Planning the cable routes between the photovoltaic system and the inverter
    the professional installation of the photovoltaic modules
    Comprehensive acceptance protocol and documentation for the photovoltaic system
    All the important formalities necessary to put the photovoltaic system into operation.
    Make an appointment now

    07161/ 3540931

    Your way to independence
    The counselling

    Professional advice is the first step towards your own photovoltaic system and on the way to independence. In order for us to be able to advise you properly on a photovoltaic system, a consultation at the desired location of the PV system is necessary. Each location poses different challenges for the planning and installation of a photovoltaic system. Based on the site analysis, we at SST will be happy to advise you on the optimal use of solar energy and the cost-effectiveness of the photovoltaic system. We support you independently of manufacturers in the right choice of PV system components, plan individually and optimise the desired photovoltaic system at your location. In addition to the technical implementation, we will also be happy to advise you on possible subsidies and financing for the photovoltaic system.

    The planning

    After a detailed consultation, the planning of the photovoltaic system follows. At the beginning of the planning phase of the photovoltaic system, the energy demand is determined. Until now, the energy demand in the house was secondary for grid-connected photovoltaic systems, because the entire solar power generated by the photovoltaic system could be fed into the public grid and one received a decent feed-in tariff. Due to the reduction in the feed-in tariff and the simultaneous increase in the price of electricity, self-consumption of the solar electricity produced by the photovoltaic system has come to the fore. The next step in the planning phase is the dimensioning of the photovoltaic system. The size of the PV system is decisive for its performance. The dimensioning is ultimately about optimising self-consumption. The goal is to cover the required energy demand as much as possible with the self-produced solar electricity. Therefore, it makes sense to combine a photovoltaic system with a storage system to achieve the greatest possible degree of self-sufficiency.


    Photovoltaic systems are expensive and sensitive systems. In the last step towards a photovoltaic system, you should not skimp on the installation. Only professional installation by a specialist company like us at SST ensures the long-lasting and flawless functioning of the photovoltaic system.

    here are a few pictures of our daily work, you can find more pictures on instagram:
    Sorreinigung Gewerbe
    Solarreinigung Industrie

    Pv Reinigung an Hochhauswand
    Verschiden Bürsten
    Solarreinigung Landwirtschaft


    Im Märzengarten 11
    73114 Schlat


    07161/ 3540931

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